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키즈타임즈 389호
National News
Laver From The Valley

Laver is a favorite side dish in Korea. Called gim in Korean, it had been thought to only live in the sea, but surprisingly it’s been found in Sohan Valley in Samcheok, Gangwon Province. This unique type of laver grows only in Japan and Korea, and because it’s rare, it was given as a present to t...

National News
키즈타임즈 389호 (2017.01.12)
Laver From The Valley - National News
National News hard

Laver From The Valley

Photo News - Photo News
Photo News easy

Photo News

Lady Hyegyeong - People
People veryhard

Lady Hyegyeong

Ski Resort - Let's Go
Let's Go easy

Ski Resort

Butterflies In Danger - Science
Science veryhard

Butterflies In Danger

Snow in Sahara? - Aha!
Aha! hard

Snow in Sahara?

ENIE학습 동영상강의
Helmet / Gloves / Visor / boots - Picture Vocabulary
Picture Vocabulary easy

Helmet / Gloves / Visor / boots

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