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키즈타임즈 402호
National News
National Day Of Persons W...

Every year, April 20 is the National Day of Persons with Disabilities. It has been celebrated nationally since 1981 and is designated in April because everything comes alive again in the spring. It aims to encourage disabled people to recover and regenerate like the living things of spring. Meanw...

National News
키즈타임즈 402호 (2017.04.20)
One Smart Cookie - World News
World News hard

One Smart Cookie

Photo News - Photo News
Photo News easy

Photo News

Steven Spielberg - People
People veryhard

Steven Spielberg

Gyeongbok Palace - Let's Go
Let's Go easy

Gyeongbok Palace

Masks On - Science
Science veryhard

Masks On

Diamond In A Hard-Boiled Egg - Aha!
Aha! hard

Diamond In A Hard-Boiled Egg

ENIE학습 동영상강의
Expression: Walking On Eggshells - This week`s Expression
This week`s Expression easy

Expression: Walking On Eggshells

fence / barn / crops / farm - Picture Vocabulary
Picture Vocabulary easy

fence / barn / crops / farm

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